Information according to § 5 TMG:
Area of responsibility: The imprint only applies to the website at the Internet address
Delimitation: The web presence is part of the WWW and accordingly linked to external websites that may change at any time, which are therefore not subject to this area of responsibility and to which the following information does not apply. The fact that the links do not violate morals or laws was checked exactly once: before they were included here. Such links, which lead to external web projects, can be recognised by a changing URL (Internet address) after clicking on them.
Service provider: Ca-Tee-Drale e.V.
Registered under: VR 6150, Register of Associations, Dresden Local Court
Responsible contact persons: Edwin Schneider (Chairman)
Address: Christoph-Lüders-Straße 47, 02826 Görlitz
Electronic postal address:
Fast electronic and direct communication: Tel. 03581 315948
Purpose of this web project: Presentation of the association and publication of information
Association board: Edwin Schneider (chairman) and Norbert Schmidt (deputy chairmen), Mario Schneider (co-chairman), Reinhard Höhne (co-chairman)
Copyright protection and utilisation
The author specifically grants you the right of use to make a private copy for personal purposes. However, you are not authorised to modify the materials and/or pass them on or even publish them yourself. Unless expressly stated otherwise, Ca-Tee-Drale e.V. holds the copyright for texts.
Most photos are subject to the copyright of Ca-Tee-Drale e.V. as well as freely available image databases under the CC0 licence (e.g.
The privacy policy can be found on a separate page.
No liability: The contents of this web project have been carefully checked and compiled to the best of our knowledge. However, no claim is made for the completeness, topicality, quality and correctness of the information presented here. No responsibility can be accepted for damage caused by reliance on the content of this website or its use.
Infringement of industrial property rights: If you suspect that one of your industrial property rights has been infringed by this website, please notify us immediately by e-mail so that we can take prompt remedial action. Please note: The more time-consuming involvement of a lawyer to issue a warning notice at the service provider’s expense does not correspond to the service provider’s actual or presumed intention.